SARC Weed Science Lab

SARC Weed Science Lab SARC Weed Science Lab Logo

About Us

Welcome to SWSL!

Our research is focused on developing sustainable and effective Integrated Weed Management (IWM) strategies for farmers in Montana and beyond. Our team, led by Dr. Lovreet Shergill, is dedicated to advancing the field of weed science through innovative research, while also providing valuable information and resources to stakeholders through outreach programs.


At SWSL, we use innovative technologies and conduct cutting-edge research on a variety of topics related to weed management, including:

  • Herbicide resistance monitoring and characterization
  • Development of integrated pest management (IPM) practices
  • Harvest weed seed control (HWSC) systems
  • Optimizing cover crops for weed management
  • Weed seedbank management
  • Evaluation of new and existing herbicides for weed management and crop safety

Through our research, we aim to provide practical solutions that can help farmers and ranchers manage weeds in an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable manner.


We are committed to sharing our research findings with the community and providing educational resources for farmers, ranchers, and other stakeholders. Our lab collaborates with extension agents and other agricultural professionals to disseminate information about effective weed management practices. We also provide training and workshops on various aspects of weed science and management. In addition, we are actively involved in outreach activities to increase public awareness about the importance of weed management and sustainable agriculture.

We offer a variety of outreach programs, including:

  • Field days, workshops, and training sessions
  • Extension publications and fact sheets
  • Presentations at conferences and other events

Through these programs, we aim to empower farmers, ranchers, and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively manage weeds and promote sustainable agriculture practices.


SWSL is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and facilities that enable us to conduct advanced research in weed science. We have modern field and greenhouse equipment at our disposal, as well as a Molecular Biology Laboratory that provides us with a wide range of instruments and tools to support weed biology and ecology research. We utilize precision agriculture technologies and other specialized tools to develop more effective weed management strategies. Our team of dedicated researchers and technicians are always striving for innovation, making SWSL the perfect facility for anyone interested in advancing the field of weed science.

Contact Us

For more information about SWSL, please contact Dr. Shergill at or visit us at our location in the Southern Ag Research Center at 748 Railroad Highway, Huntley, MT 59105.